I specialise in making policies affordable and sustainable over time through ‘levelled’ options to lock in premium prices at today’s rates and to avoid the problem of escalating and non-sustainable premiums.
Life cover pays a lump sum of money if you pass away or become terminally ill. Life cover is designed to help your family to pay costs that you would have helped with if you were still alive, such as:
Paying off the mortgage ensures the remaining family members can remain debt free in the family home.
Providing future financial support for dependent children as the surviving parent may have to cease or reduce paid employment to care for their children, or
Paying for your children’s tertiary education or assisting them with their first home loan.
Providing extra income for the family or contributing to the surviving partner’s retirement fund.
Life cover can be ‘stepped’; meaning that whilst monthly premiums start off cheap, which is great to cover short and medium term risk. As you age, however, the premiums will increase significantly each year.
ORLife cover can be ‘Levelled’; meaning that the premium you pay on application will stay the same for the duration of the cover, which may be to age 70 or 80 or even 100. This premium is a little more expensive at commencement, but over the years, the savings can be in the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Life cover perhaps should be a combination of both options above. This advice should be provided by your adviser on request to help you make an informed decision to cover both short term and long term risk in the most affordable and sustainable way.
Trauma cover pays a lump sum of money if the insured person is diagnosed with a serious medical condition or undergoes a certain medical procedure. Most insurers cover at least 45 medical conditions, with the most common being heart attack, cancer and strokes. Your advisor will show you all the conditions covered. Trauma cover is designed to help you and your family during the time you are unable to work, such as:
Taking time off work to rest and recover
To pay for your spouse or another caregiver to provide that extra help and support you may need
If you would like to use alternative treatments that aren’t covered or only partially covered by health insurance, a trauma claim can help with that.
Reducing debt. Bills such as medical expenses , utilities and even the mortgage or rent still keep coming in. A trauma payout allows you to not worry about financial issues to concentrate on your recovery.
Taking care of those additional costs such as child care, wheelchair ramps or travel to medical appointments.
You could even take the family away on holiday if you’re well enough. The key thing with a trauma payout is that it is not ‘tagged’. You can do what you like with the money.
Typically, Trauma Cover comes in two versions;
‘Accelerated Cover’, meaning that at time of claim, your payment is made out of your life cover, but you can always add a benefit to reinstate your original life cover after 12 months. ‘Accelerated Cover’ for these reasons is cheaper than ‘Stand Alone’
‘Stand Alone’ cover means just that. It has no impact on your Life Cover
Trauma Cover can be either ‘stepped’, meaning that whilst monthly premiums start off cheap, which is great to cover short and medium term risk; as you age, the premiums will increase significantly, year on year.
Trauma cover can be ‘Levelled’; meaning that the premium you pay on application will stay the same for the duration of the cover, which may be to age 65 or up to age 80. This premium is more expensive at commencement, but over the years, the savings can be in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Pays a regular monthly benefit if the insured person is unable to work and earn an income because of sickness or injury after the agreed waiting period. It is designed to meet essential living costs and financial commitments. Waiting periods may range from 30 days to 120 days.
Most insurers have at least two types of IP cover
Loss of earnings. Will pay your benefit based on @75% of your actual loss of income. This is a popular option for salaried workers or those on a stable income.
Loss of earnings Plus. At claim time will pay the 100% of agreed value minus any income received from ACC, or 75% of your actual loss of income. This is a good option for people with fluctuating income or small business owner
Pays a regular monthly benefit if the insured person is unable to work and earn an income because of sickness or injury after the agreed waiting period. It is designed to pay the mortgage and essential living costs. Waiting periods may range from 30 days to 120 days.
Mortgage protection offers you an agreed monthly cover, which will stay the same even if you reduce your mortgage over time
Most insurers have at least two types of IP cover
Agreed Value. A cost effective option. It takes into consideration any income you receive from your illness or injury such as ACC, which is off-set
Agreed Value Plus. Cover level locked in giving surety of how much you’d receive, regardless of other sources of income.
This pays out a lump sum of money if a person becomes totally or permanently disabled due to sickness or injury.
Usually two types of TPD on offer
Own occupation. Means unlikely to be able to work again in usual occupation
Any occupation (the cheaper option). This is when you are unlikely to be able to work in any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training or experience
Pays a regular monthly benefit to help a business replace lost revenue or hire replacement staff if the insured “key” person is unable to work due to sickness or injury. It is designed to help restore the insured person’s ability to work and can help with rehabilitation and training.
Two options on offer (can vary from insurer to insurer)
New to business
New to business with no financial available
Benefit periods up to one year for qualifying cover
Monthly benefits restricted
Existing Business
Financial evidence required
Larger monthly benefits available
Benefit periods up to and beyond 1 year typically
Due to the complexities involved in Business cover options, your Adviser is there to guide you through the options and explain the various benefit options and eligibility criteria.
ACC covers:
Personal injury caused by accident
Work related gradual process disease or infection
Treatment injury
Mental injury caused by:
Sexual abuse or sexual assault
Sudden traumatic event in the workplace
Physical injury
If you are self-employed and/or employ people, your Advisor can help to ensure that you have the correct ACC business industry and levy classification codes.
Standard ACC cover
Cover for injury
Access to full range of medical and rehabilitation benefits
Weekly compensation based on 80% earnings
Maximum compensation is $99,242 (adjusted annually)
Proof of earnings may be required at time of claim
ACC CPX (CoverPlus extra):
Available for self-employed and non-PAYE shareholder employees
Must earn above $25,376(Adjusted annually)
Level of cover cannot be less than $25,376 or greater than $99,242
ACC financial underwriting may apply to agreed level of cover
Weekly compensation is 100% of agreed cover
Proof of earnings not required at claim time
CPX does not apply to pre-existing conditions or injuries
Your Adviser can assist you with your ACC cover and discuss with you the options around supplementing it with some type of Income protection cover, as ACC will only cover you for injury, but Income protection will additionally cover sickness.