


Initial meeting

Whether you have existing insurance cover or not; review your needs with us! We can ensure you have in place a completely personalised and sustainable cover. Keeping your insurances current with any changes throughout life is important. These events may include: Changes in income levels; times of recession; premium increases; home ownership; additional dependent family and/or employment changes.

Refining Needs

This obligation free consultation will give you all the information you need to review your current insurance portfolio with. We will give you a fully personalised picture of your cover, costs and risks, not only now but into the future. This will help you build a cost saving and sustainable cover for you and your family.

Keep it Affordable

We specialise in making policies affordable and sustainable over time through ‘levelled’ options. Locking in your insurance premium prices at today’s rates avoids the problem of escalating and non-sustainable costs over time. We all know people who have cut their insurances away due to rising costs of premiums - often when they are at an age where they require insurances the most! We help ensure this will never happen to you!


  • Provides financial security for your loved ones when you die. With a combination of ‘levelled’ and ‘stepped’ premiums we will work to ensure that your lifetime risks (around things like mortgage costs and/or having dependents) are covered. We work with individuals and couples to ascertain clearly immediate, intermediate and long term needs; and specialise in structuring a plan for your own personal situation.

  • Helps you to cope financially in the event of a major illness or injury by reducing financial stress and letting you get on with your recovery. There are more than 45 conditions that are covered and where you would be paid out with a lump sum if diagnosed. This is the insurance that Mark was paid out following 13 months of having Trauma cover when he had a heart event. The diagnosis was sent through and he received a payout almost immediately. We highly recommend this cover to all of our clients.

  • Gives you additional financial security by providing you with replacement monthly income if sickness or illness prevents you from working and earning an income for yourself.

  • This covers general insurance risks including key person, trauma and directors life and trauma cover and again is based on your very individualised personal and business requirements.

  • We understand the ‘inside-outs’ of ACC Cover Plus Extra for self-employed persons, and can assess whether your premiums are currently working to give you the best all-round cover.

  • Gives you the security of knowing you have protection and options available should you experience health issues. This can be structured in a variety of flexible options. You can have a higher excess, have specialist only cover, or have full cover which can include GP and specialist options. Medical Insurance is unable to be levelled and therefore will go up in price as you age.

  • Many people are unclear about KiwiSaver and the potential investments that they can earn over time. By making simple changes to the structure aligning with the clients risk profile, they can make a huge difference to their savings outcome. All this without making extra payments at all!

My Personalised Process

  • Step 1

    Before we formally meet with you, we like to have some idea of what types of insurance cover you may have e.g. Life cover $500,000, Trauma cover $100,000; along with your date of birth.

    We then use this basic data to work out projections of what your current premiums are likely to rise to over the next 5-10-15 or 20 years. This is a useful discussion starter for our meeting, as it helps us focus on long term affordability & sustainability.

    An appointment is then set up (at your home, workplace or another location that suits) where we will look at your priorities and wishes for Insurance into the future.

  • Step 2

    At this Initial meeting, we gather some basic info about you and your family, your work and what you might see as your main risks. This allows us to fine tune our recommendations and considerations.

    We take some time to go through our premium projections and explain in more detail what the key differences are between ‘stepped’ and ‘levelled’ premiums.

    We discuss possible insurance options and covers, and the possible ways that they could be structured to be the best fit for you

    We set another time for us to then go through a full statement of our advice, including a range of quotes and recommendations.

  • Step 3

    At this meeting your Adviser can compare premium costs across a number of providers on your behalf. It is our job to get you the best deal, with a company that is the best fit for you! This is a company and structure that most suits your specific needs, both now and into the future.

    Your Statement of Advice will include an analysis of your situation and risks, as well as taking into account your thoughts and wishes. It will include a range of quoted prices, which we can use to fine-tune your thinking.

    Once you are happy with the types and structures of cover needed; we can proceed to application stage.


    Income Protection
    Mortgage Protection
    Total & Permanent Disability
    Medical Insurance


    Employee Insurance
    Loss of Earnings
    Key Person Insurance
    Total & Permanent Disability
    ACC Levy Advice

 Ensuring long-term affordability and sustainability for our clients


Mark makes Life Insurance easy. I hadn’t truly appreciated the impact on my current cover as I aged. Mark clearly showed the exponential increase in premiums that would have meant reducing my cover to a level that would eventually become worthless, ie my cover would have to be reduced to match affordability. As an alternative, Mark showed the result of levelling my premium to fix my cover for life. A small cost increase now but then fixed for life. I now have excellent cover at a sustainable cost. Mark has saved me a small fortune by mitigating future premium increases.
Mark truly cares and takes the time to clearly understand his client’s needs- we are all unique and he ensures the right package is built to meet your own situation. I cannot recommend Mark more highly.
— Matt James | Managing Director @ NCBIZ